This Pilot year, under the theme, "Enlarging the border through commitment to Service", has been both fulfilling and trying, but in all things I give God thanks.

As you know, on September 1, 2019, The Bahamas experienced a very difficult period in the history in our country with the passage of Hurricane Dorian. Our Pilots in Abaco and Grand Bahama were greatly impacted. Heartfelt thanks are extended to Pilot International for their overwhelming and tangible support during this most difficult time. We were able to render support to impacted Clubs and help them return to some state of normalcy through the distribution of care packages and Safe Harbor relief cheques.
Special thanks are extended to our incoming Governor Tiffany, DAC, appointees and the entire Bahamas District for the tremendous support given to me during my year as Governor. I pledge my continued support for our District and Clubs and will always remain committed to service through enlarging our borders.
The privilege to serve and help change lives in a positive way, is significantly impactful as one's life is changed, a family is changed, a community changed and a Nation changed!
Dellareese E. Edgecombe
Governor 2019-2020, District, Pilot International