Joan Knowles has been teaching for over 25 years.
She has a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Barry University, USA;
a Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education from University of Melbourne, Australia and two Associates Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication and General Education and a Teaching Certificate from the College of The Bahamas and University of The West Indies (UWI).

She is Distinguished President Kiwanis Club of Cable Beach Former Acting President/Vice President of the Bahamas Union of Teachers Sir Gerald Cash Outstanding Teacher 2012 National Teacher of the Year 2000-2001
Assistant Public Relations Officer for the Bahamas Cricket Association
Presently employed as a Senior Mistress for The Ministry of Education.
She compared us as to a PILOT we must have a Mission to effect the Change. Make a Positive Impact on lives as we go along. She used our name PILOT Acronyms as our guide for the New Year.
Pilots participated with the Spelling of PILOT.
P - Be Professional (Persons are looking for good role Models)
I - Be Intentional (Influence lives with Passion to make a change)
L - Be Loving and Loyal. Love what you do and Live up to your Obligation
O - Be Optimistic and Overcome obstacles
T - Give your Time, Talent and Treasure. Be you!!